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7 signs your business is an easy target for cyber criminals

Are you confident your business is safe from cybercrime? According to a study by Symantec, 43% of small businesses have been the victim of cybercrime, and 60% of those victims said the attack resulted in a financial loss. So, how can you tell if your business is at risk? Here are seven signs that your business is an easy target for cybercriminals.

Your business website doesn’t use HTTPS. Using HTTPS – an added layer of security that protects visitors to your site from hackers – is more important now than ever with the upcoming changes to Google search results . Make sure your site looks secure by using HTTPS, but remember that it’s not foolproof so you should also have other layers of security in place.

You reuse the same username and password for multiple sites . Cybercriminals know that you’re likely to use the same combination of letters and numbers to log into all your online accounts , so one compromised link can lead to many different breaches. Don’t be lazy – create unique passwords for every site that requires it, with a password manager if you need help.

You’ve never checked your website for malware . Hackers often use malware to access information that can be used in future breaches, so regularly checking the code of your site is a good idea. Have someone who knows what they’re doing go over it to make sure all systems are clean.

Your business doesn’t use two-factor authentication. Using your password on its own is not enough to keep you secure – hackers can gain access by stealing or guessing your password, but they can’t if they also need another piece of information, like a code sent to your phone number. Make sure you have this extra layer of security in place everywhere it’s available.

You’ve never installed antivirus software. Without an antivirus program on your computer, you’re pretty much wide open to hackers finding and exploiting any existing security vulnerabilities. If your business uses laptops or desktops for work, it’s absolutely essential that they all have some form of malware protection installed.

You use public Wi-Fi . Public Wi-Fi networks aren’t without their advantages – they make it possible to work remotely and access the internet on the go – but they’re incredibly unsafe for businesses

You don’t back up sensitive data . With proper backups in place, the damage caused by hackers (or natural disasters like floods or fires) is mostly limited to lost time and productivity. Consider investing in an online backup system that’s automatically updated every day, so you’re always protected.

Small businesses are more vulnerable to cyber attacks than larger enterprises because they typically lack the necessary funds, time and knowledge needed to properly protect their data . As a result, these attacks can be incredibly costly. So if you think your business may need help with its security, get in touch with us and see what we can do to help.


